This dual band handheld is my first transceiver after my graduation as Radio Amateur. This handheld has the possibility for use as transponder on 2 meter and 70 cm and can be used with or without it's own designed tone lock. This tone lock has it's own standard (that's probably WHY they named it as such) Also this handheld has a cloning feather. This means the handheld can clone his settings into another handheld by air.
With this handheld it's also possible to transmit outside band. The frequency range on VHF is 125 - 174 Mhz and on UHF 425 - 475 Mhz.
It is also possible to receive on 300 Mhz, 800 Mhz and 900 Mhz. It also feather DTMF an CTCSS on receive and transmit mode.
The handheld has also 20 memory's on each band, witch are easily programmable.
The HF power that the handheld can generate is depending on the battery voltage. With a 7,2 Volt pack it's HF power is 2,5 watt. By using an 12 pack or direct from a power supply, the output is 5 Watt. All points considering this robust handheld is a good choice, witch some foreign emergency service have already made.
I even used this handheld as a fox hunting device, without the usual external antenna's, by putting the handheld to my body and make a circle. The direction of the fox is on the side where there is the least signal. Even when you are near the fox, you can determent it's location this way by removing the antenna.